October 2023 Premodern Unchained

We had eleven people show up for our Premodern Unchained event! It was an exciting time of resolving Mind Twists, Memory Jars, and Tendrils! There were an exciting assortment of decks but our showcase ones are: Top Deck: Blue White Shrimp Spookiest Deck: Mono Black Pestilence Resolved The Most Restricted Cards: Storm Shrimp took the day but we’ll be back next year with another Unchained event! UW Shrimp Mono B Pestilence [Read More]

What is Pestilence

A Premodern Pestilence Primer

Pestilence Do you hate Elves, Goblins, and other low to the ground decks? Do you want to fear for your life against Burn, only to pull out the most satisfying win of your life? Do you like watching Phyrexian Dreadnaughts get sacrificed? I have a deck for you. Let me introduce you to Pestilence. Pestilence Guardian of the Guildpact Phyrexian Dreadnaught A former Pauper all-star, Pestilence is traditionally a Black-White attrition-style deck where you get into a position where only you have cards in play or in hand and then slowly kill them with the namesake. [Read More]