2024 Rochester Royals Fall Court

Venue: Three Heads Brewing

Address: 186 Atlantic Ave, Rochester, New York

Format: Team Trios Constructed - Premodern, Legacy, Vintage

Date: Saturday September 28th 2024

Event Start: 1:00 PM EST

Participant Cap: 30 Players (10 teams)

Entry: $60 per Team


  • Coronation of the Top Team as our new Fall Royalty
  • More information to come soon!

Sign up on Spicerack.gg!

2024 September Vintage

Venue: Three Heads Brewing

Address: 186 Atlantic Ave, Rochester, New York

Format: Vintage

Date: Saturday June 8th 2024

Start: 1:00 PM

Entry: $10


  • $30 to each 4-0
  • $20 to each 3-1
  • Stamped Exotic Orchard (BRC) for Spiciest Brew (Chosen by TO)

Proxies Welcomed & Encouraged

Sign up on Spicerack!

2024 June Vintage

Venue: Three Heads Brewing

Address: 186 Atlantic Ave, Rochester, New York

Format: Vintage

Date: Saturday June 8th 2024

Start: 1:00 PM

Entry: $10


  • Support to 4-0 and 3-1
  • Based on Attendance

Proxies Welcomed & Encouraged

2024 Rochester Royals Spring Court

Venue: Three Heads Brewing

Address: 186 Atlantic Ave, Rochester, New York

Format: Team Trios - Premodern, Legacy, Vintage

Date: Saturday March 30th 2024

Event Start: 1:00 PM EST

Participant Cap: 30 Players (10 Teams)

Entry: $30 per Team


  • Base on Attendance
  • Payout for Top 3 Teams
  • Crowns for our new Spring Royalty (Top Team)

Proxies Welcomed & Encouraged!

2023 December Vintage!

Vintage We’re excited to host a Vintage event this December! Want to get a little more practice in before Eternal Weekend? Come and jam some games of Magic with us! Event Details Venue: Three Heads Brewing Address: 186 Atlantic Ave, Rochester, New York Format: Vintage Date: Saturday December 2cnd 2023 Entry: $10 Event Start: 1:00 PM EST Prizing: Prizing based on Attendance X-0s and X-1s will receive prizing No cut to Top X Proxies Welcomed & Encouraged! [Read More]